Representative Cynthia Neeley is #ThrivingTogether with the Flint and Saginaw Branch of the NAACP.

Representative Cynthia Neeley is #ThrivingTogether with the Flint and Saginaw Branch of the NAACP.
It is an honor to come together and break bread with such an array of amazing of women.
State Rep. Cythia Neely (D-Flint) will host a stop on the Energy Reliability, Resilience and Accountability Task Force Listening Tour on Wednesday, Aug. 16, from…
TODAY!!! History was MADE!! Cathedral of Faith Church, Grace Emmanuel Baptist Church, Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in partnership with GHS and the City of Flint…
Bringing a vision into reality by transforming one of Flint’s oldest manufacturing sites into a recreational opportunity for families. Yesterday, the governor and Flint Mayor…
Today as we presented HR 256 (KUPPA), Michigan Water Day and World Water Day, we were honored to acknowledge water warriors from our communities. Thank…
March is National Reading Month, encouraging all children to pickup a book and read at least 20 minutes a day.
Today I cast many vote on a package that will LOWER prescription drugs!
Please join Representative Cynthia Neeley for coffee and conversation on Monday, March 15th at 9:30 a.m. at Dom’s Diner located at 3833 Corunna Road in…
Letter to the Editor: The appalling defense of ex-Governor Synder; Crains Detroit.